Ughur Protests
1 Oct 2021

Dear community members,

The Uyghur communities will be organising two protests this Friday 1 Oct, on Communist China’s National Day, which the Hong Kong community will be there to support:

  • 10 am at Victoria Square
  • 11 am at Rundle Mall

These two communities call on those ethnic communities in SA whose country or territory are being encroached, taken over or threatened by the Chinese Communist Party, to join and support the cause.

For more information, please see here.

Management Committee Election
13 Nov 2021


Kindly peruse the following notices from the Electoral Committee:

Public Notice 1

Public Notice 2

Nomination Form


On behalf of the Electoral Committee

Chau Huynh

Full Moon Festival
25 Sep 2021

Full Moon Festival 2021

Dear Parents,

Due to the unpredictable nature of COVID-19 in South Australia, the Management Committee has chosen to cease the Full Moon Festival program at Prospect Council Memorial Gardens.  Regrettably, this is the second year we have not been able to celebrate together, but the health and safety of our community are paramount.

A sincere thank you to the volunteers who participated in the planning of this program and the performers who spent so much time rehearsing.

However, we have arranged 300 free show bags for children ages 3 to 16 (inclusive) to be distributed on Saturday, 25 September 2021. Please register your child/children via the Eventbrite website to receive this gift bag. Registration deadline is 10:00 a.m. Saturday, 25 September 2021 or while tickets last. Please note that only a few of these bags will also contain a dinner voucher supported by our friendly restaurants.

Upon registration, you will receive a ticket. It is important that you arrive to pick up the bags between 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm at the Vietnamese Community Centre.  Collection of the show bag is via a “Drive-Through” system therefore, you and your children are not required to leave the vehicle.

Please drive from Hanson Road into Athol Street towards the Community Centre and park in line at the gate. Kindly present your registration ticket(s) (printed or displayed on the phone) for checking and continue to drive into the parking lot, as directed by the volunteers.

Please contact Miss Thai Phung should you have any queries.

Kind regards

Thái Phụng

Organisation Committee Lead

M: 0423 444 043 | E: